Preparation for the Global CFR Meeting in Canada

Since September 2023, I’ve had the privilege of serving on the Board of Directors for our international network, CFR Global Executive Search. I must say, I am thoroughly impressed by the performance of our partners.

For those unfamiliar with CFR, it is a membership organization for independent executive search agencies that wish to serve their clients on a global scale. CFR has a vast global presence, extending from Canada to China and from Singapore to our own small country.

Our members have been in the executive recruiting business for years, hold significant positions in their respective countries, and maintain the highest quality standards. We are represented in 25 countries with 59 offices and a total of more than 350 consultants. Is that impressive? Absolutely!

What’s even more impressive is our ability to maintain these high standards despite the diverse conditions and cultures in which we operate. This requires skills such as empathy, professionalism, adaptability, and a clear vision of what we want to achieve. These are the same skills that individual consultants need to do their jobs well. It’s not just about what you want, but about how you can fulfill the needs of your clients. If you can do that on an individual level, and on a national level, you can certainly do it on a global level.

This is what drives the Board of Directors at CFR—a team of skilled professionals constantly seeking improvement and innovation. The Board includes members from Asia, South America, Canada, and Europe. While each brings a unique perspective to the business, together they form a strong, collective global view on recruitment.

Our commitment to serving customers and supporting them in regions that may be unfamiliar to them, but not to CFR, adds significant value. It is always better to make selections with deep knowledge of the people and culture in a particular country, rather than relying solely on first impressions.

Combining these strengths is a major focus for the Board of Directors and the entire membership. But it’s not just about that—it’s also about presenting new ideas, listening to our members during global meetings, and learning from our experiences over the past year. Early September, we will meet to summarize what we’ve learned and explore new opportunities and horizons. This process is energizing!

And let’s not forget the joy of meeting new people and having fun together. It’s an opportunity to truly understand people from different continents and perspectives. What a gift!

There’s a lot of work to be done in preparation for the meeting in Montreal, especially for our Canadian friends. But I’m confident it will be a great success and I am looking forward to meeting our friends again!

Article written by Willem Hein, CFR Global Executive Search the Netherlands
Photo source: Pixabay

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