The Future of Work:
People’s Mindset is the Real Enabler of Change

May 8, 2023

People are the real drivers of change. If we want to lead companies and organizations into the future of work, we must prepare people to develop their mindset for the change in the way of working. There is no point in only considering digital tools and factual technical skills which are embedded…

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Vanishing Candidates: the Nightmare of HR Departments

May 1, 2023

“Ghosting” from candidates is increasingly becoming a rather common situation in recruiting. This is, promising candidates who just “disappear” from the process. Bad references about the company and unmet salary expectations are usually the main causes. The “we’ll call you with an answer” that recruiters promise to candidates is not…

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The Role of Leadership for a Company’s Success

April 24, 2023

In the past three years, there has been a great deal of economic turmoil and societal unrest due to the corona pandemic, the war between Russia and Ukraine and, finally, the energy crisis. Companies and their executives are therefore faced with the task of re-positioning their business to master or…

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Using Executive Search Firms in Turnaround Situations

April 17, 2023

Businesses experiencing difficult times face the choice of whether to use an internal candidate or someone from outside the organization to affect a turnaround.   One approach that many organizations take is to rely on a star employee to lead the turnaround effort.  While this approach can yield significant benefits…

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The Purpose of a Board and Who Should Be In It?

April 10, 2023

Interest in board work is increasing, but what does the role of a board member entail? We clarify when it is appropriate to bring in an external board, the importance of a properly composed group, as well as the overall purpose and main tasks of the board. Having a professional…

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Why I’m proud to be an Executive Search consultant!

April 3, 2023

Executive search consultants are highly experienced and knowledgeable professionals who specialise in helping organisations identify and recruit the right executive talent. They work closely with employers to understand their needs and develop targeted strategies to identify, assess, and recruit top talent. Through complex problem solving and research, executive search consultants…

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Understanding the Need for Exceptional Operations Management

March 27, 2023

Every organization needs an authority that steers the company’s raw supply into top-quality products using the most efficient production methods. As digital ecosystems transform business, leaders must redefine operational strategies to competitively set themselves apart from competitors. Without the presence of experienced and highly skilled individuals, your production value will…

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Will artificial intelligence replace humans in executive recruitment?

March 20, 2023

Artificial intelligence (AI) is causing quite a stir, promising to make our lives more efficient. The massive media storm around ChatGPT, the new AI-powered chatbot, is a testament to both the enthusiasm and the apprehension people feel toward this technology. What impact can we expect on recruitment and the job…

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Using Search Firms in Good and Bad Times

March 13, 2023

Companies are facing a myriad of challenges today.  Strong economic headwinds stifling demand for their products and services leading to layoffs in sectors that are especially sensitive to demand shocks.  Geo-political events have increased raw material costs and caused uncertainty throughout various markets delaying investments and weaking growth.  Shifts in…

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