Human Value / CFR Italy contributes to an HR workshop on raising professional standards in HR

November 19, 2018

On Friday 1st December, Laura Townsend-Green, Senior Associate at Human Value, our italian partner, contributed to an HR workshop on raising professional standards in HR at Federico II University in Naples. For the workshop she conducted a short survey involving CFR’s consultants in 19 countries.

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6 Ways To Make Your LinkedIn Profile Unforgettable

November 19, 2018

Do you want your LinkedIn profile to standout? Humanize it by following these 6 tips! Read the full article here.

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Recognizing and Avoiding Burnout

November 19, 2018

Are you feeling overwhelmed at work? Our partner Goldbeck Recruiting gives us some valuable advices in order to avoid burnout. Take care of yourself! Read the full article here. 

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The Future of the Office: 7 Innovative Ways Companies Are Changing the Workplace

November 19, 2018

Over time, has emerged a new awareness of the innovative office as a strategic tool for productivity , collaboration and growth. Hot-desking, plants, pets… let yourself be inspired by the last workplace trends! Read the full article here.

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How These Companies Are Empowering Candidates and Improving Their Candidate Experience

November 19, 2018

Transparency throughout the hiring process has a major impact on the quality of candidates’ experience. Find out how to make information more accessible and reduce dropouts!

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Pixar Animator Shares Secrets to Telling a Compelling (Company) Story

November 19, 2018

“In the end, people aren’t going to remember what you said, people are not going remember what you did, but they are going to remember how you made them feel.” That’s why recruiters shouldn’t just sell a job but make the role alive with a story. Discover the secrets of storytelling from…

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Passport to France

November 19, 2018

Our Usa partner DSML Executive Search is board sponsor of the 33rd edition of “Passport to France”, Chicago’s Premiere French Culinary & Lifestyle Event. Don’t make any commitments for Thursday November 16th! Details here.

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The 8 Magical Benefits of Resilience

November 19, 2018

Is your life presenting you challenges and obstacles that seem insurmountable? It’s time for you to find your resilience, which is the ability to face difficulties in a positive way. Discover the benefits of this virtue for your life and career!

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5 Ways to Help Employees Keep Up with Digital Transformation

November 19, 2018

Is your company struggling to deal with Digital Transformation? Innovation is not only about technology, in order for these changes to succeed, it is crucial that the skills and mindsets of the whole workforce are aligned. Here you can find five winning strategies to meet the expectations of the connected consumer.

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