Belgian State visit to China June 2015

November 19, 2018

Christine Van Velthoven, Managing Director of CPM and Member of the Executive Committee of CFR Global Executive Search talks about her experience in a Belgian state visit to China in June, when CPM has been invited with other Belgian companies that have extensive relations with China.

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Success Secrets from top Female leaders

November 19, 2018

Women are an essential component in the success and productivity of any company. Here there are some examples of stories of success from world-renowned women leaders that highlight the best qualities that made them come up on top (and stay there) and how they have applied them into their careers.

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Step by step guide to hiring a new CEO

November 19, 2018

Innovative procedures to follow that will help your company transition to new and improved management.

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Newsflash from CFR Italy – It’s all happening in Milan

November 19, 2018

Human Value HR Solutions, CFR Italian partner, organised an informal get-together with some business friends to celebrate the beginning of the fashion week, while appreciating incredible pieces of art exposed in the famous art gallery and institution Accademia di Brera. A good chance to have a nice evening spending time with…

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Human Resources Summit, 27 October – Meet the Speakers – Rik Vera

November 19, 2018

Waiting to take part to the International Human Resources Summit on 27 October, let’s take a closer look at the speakers who will present their opinions on HR Challenges. Rik Vera, a well-known thought leader and CEO of nexxworks, has gained a 20-year experience in Sales, Marketing and General Management.…

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Lycans Group in the board of the XIII Agro-Food Global Forum – Mexico, 29-30 September 2016

November 19, 2018

CFR Mexican partner Lycans Group took part in the board of the XIII Agro-Food Global Forum, an important international event to discuss about the food and agribusiness sectors in Mexico and Latin America. Many international representatives of companies, institutions and local communities every year share their considerations on production, increasing…

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Human Value HR Solutions at the Milan Relay Marathon to support Oklahoma Charity

November 19, 2018

    Milan Relay Marathon – Sunday 2nd April 2017   CFR Executive Search Alliance’s Italy partner, Human Value HR Solutions, participated in the Milan Relay Marathon last Sunday on the same day as the Annual Marathon. The Relay Marathon is a unique event as Runners can only take part if they…

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Will robots be able to recruit candidates like consultants do?

November 19, 2018

ECSSA questions about how much Artificial Intelligence impacts on the search & selection process and whether it will replace the human factor.   Let’s face it: Artificial Intelligence (AI) has already carved out a place in the recruitment world. It has been years since software is able to sort out profiles out…

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Not just IQ and OPQ but EQ too

November 19, 2018

  Along with Personality Profiles, assessments of verbal and numerical applied intelligence have long been included in the armoury of those making decisions about who to choose when filling key vacancies. Although the subject prompts hearty debate amongst both supporters and detractors of such techniques, there is plenty of research…

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