European immigration trends

European Immigration Trends

April 30, 2019

Immigration to Europe reached its peak during the 2015 migrant and refugee crisis, when over 1 million asylum seekers and economic migrants entered the continent. Today, statistics show that immigration to Europe has decreased dramatically. Despite this, immigrants still have a large presence in the EU. The number of immigrant arrivals is expected to rise again soon, prompting more discussions about increased immigration and the effects on the EU.

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filing taxes while working abroad

Tax Considerations for Working Internationally

April 23, 2019

Working abroad and living outside of your home country requires you to be knowledgeable about the tax laws and requirements where you are residing. While the intricacies of international tax planning can be complex, keeping basic considerations in mind will help simplify the process.

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an agricultural sales manager closing a deal

Sales and Marketing Executives in Food & Agribusiness

April 11, 2019

Sales and marketing executives in the food and agribusiness industry increase revenue, improve client and customer satisfaction, and grow market share by working closely with farmers to distribute and market their produce, getting involved at every stage between food production and consumption.

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an empty office due to internal recruitment disadvantages

The Disadvantages of Online and Internal Recruitment

April 4, 2019

Many companies turn to online recruiting methods for a quick and inexpensive way to find potential candidates for open roles. However, this recruiting method can leave you with an overwhelming response from applicants, making it difficult to identify the most qualified candidates that truly align with your company’s needs and values.

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2019 Employment Trends – North America

April 2, 2019

North America is expected to reach its lowest unemployment rate in 2019, with the combined unemployment rate of both the United States and Canada reaching 4.1% –the lowest in almost 50 years.

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renewable energy trends

Renewable Energy Trends

March 28, 2019

The recent trend toward renewable and sustainable energy sources is changing the way we power our lives and businesses. New technology and efficiency initiatives are making clean energy more attainable and cost-effective. Because of the benefits of renewable energy, over 50% of power sources are expected to be renewable within…

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an executive recruiter helping a candidate prepare for an international interview

Prepare for International Interviews with Help from a Recruiter

March 26, 2019

There’s more to preparing for an international interview than a job interview in your home country. In addition to familiarizing yourself with the company’s history, mission, values, and growth potential, it’s important to learn about the culture and job market in the country where you’re applying—unfortunately, online research can fall…

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AI and Recruiting Industry

How the Recruiting Industry Is Harnessing AI

November 26, 2018

There is only one resource that ultimately can’t be recovered: that resource is time. The old adage “time is money” has never been truer than it is in a business climate where instantaneous communication has raised productivity expectations to unprecedented levels. Productivity still comes from people, but our computer companions…

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Embracing Digitalization in Executive Search

November 26, 2018

So much of a recruiter’s value is sourcing hard-to-find candidates. There are recruiters who worry about how that value will be affected by digital job search and recruitment tools, but the need for worry is non-existent. In this era of recruitment, it is more advantageous to embrace the digital tools…

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