AI and Recruiting Industry

How the Recruiting Industry Is Harnessing AI

November 26, 2018

There is only one resource that ultimately can’t be recovered: that resource is time. The old adage “time is money” has never been truer than it is in a business climate where instantaneous communication has raised productivity expectations to unprecedented levels. Productivity still comes from people, but our computer companions…

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Embracing Digitalization in Executive Search

November 26, 2018

So much of a recruiter’s value is sourcing hard-to-find candidates. There are recruiters who worry about how that value will be affected by digital job search and recruitment tools, but the need for worry is non-existent. In this era of recruitment, it is more advantageous to embrace the digital tools…

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2018 survey results of what Italian HR Managers think of the future of employment in Europe

November 26, 2018

Find out how the Italian HR Community views the future of employment in Europe.

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15 things successful people do over holiday breaks

November 24, 2018

Christmas holidays are almost here! Wondering how to spend them in the best way to recharge and refocus? Here are 15 things that successful people do during breaks.

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When Plateaus Hit: Beating Your Own Success

November 23, 2018

Did you lose your inspiration after achieving a great success? Follow our partner Proven Recruiting advices to deal with the “Arrival Fallacy” and get ready for the next challenge. Read the full article here.

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5 Recruiting Lessons From Your Favorite Holiday Movies

November 21, 2018

It wouldn’t be Christmas without some traditional Holiday Movies. Did you ever imagine that they could hide some recruiting lessons? Get ready to watch them from a new perspective! Read the full article here.

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9 Weird Interview Questions Companies Use to Reveal Your True Self

November 20, 2018

What is the strangest question you have ever been asked during a job interview? Some CEOs reveal the weirdest questions they use to understand how creative or quick-thinking a prospective employee might be. Would you know how to answer? Read the full article here!

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5 Stats About Women In the Workforce That You Need to Know

November 19, 2018

Even if some progresses have been made, there is still plenty of work to be done in order to gain gender equality in the workplace. Here you can find a few trends about women professional aspirations and the challanges that they have to face. Did you know that supportive men,…

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What time do Europeans search for jobs?

November 19, 2018 data shows that job search peaks early in the week across Europe, but there are other differences in habits and behaviour of when people look for work. To read the full article click here.

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