Changes in the Job description & Profile when the search process has already started
It is true that one of the fundamental points that must be reviewed in detail and agreed by the parties (Client and Consultant) is, without a doubt, the Job Description of the position and the desired profile of the person to be hired for a certain executive position and /…
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Candidate Centricity
The candidate at the centre of the recruiting process.
“Our employees are our most valuable resource” – a sentence that can be read on thousands of websites. This is laudable, but companies should also focus on potential employees in the selection and recruitment process. This “Candidate first” or “Candidate Centricity” approach involves the creation of a positive Candidate Journey…
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Stay or Leave
What do Recruiters think?
Article written by Veronique Denant– CFR Global Executive Search France. Staying in a company for a certain period of time is a sign of stability valued by Recruiters. Indeed, this stability shows that the candidate is loyal to the company and is capable of making a long-term commitment. Furthermore, candidates…
Read MoreOn folk tales and their wisdom
Author: Marjana Lavrič Šulman, CFR Global Executive Search Slovenia ‘Wheat, the most beautiful flower’ is the title of a Slovenian folk tale. For all of you who don’t know it, a quick summary, the rest of you, please, skip to the third paragraph 🙂 – Once upon a time, in…
Read MoreEmbracing new ways of working
Article written by Roger Ruane – CFR Global Executive Search UK. Many thanks to everyone for the congratulations messages you sent following my 30-years work anniversary. I know 30 years with the same company is unusual and whilst all jobs have their frustrations, these are more than outweighed by the…
Read MoreReed Hastings Founder/CEO of NETFLIX prefers managing a multicultural organization with DUTCH DIRECTNESS!
Article written by Jos Van Bree – CFR Global Executive Search The Netherlands. Reed Hastings, founder and CEO of NETFLIX, was interviewed recently in response to publishing his book NO RULES RULES. It is all about the very special company culture of Netflix. He is convinced that the very unique…
Read MoreAfter Layoffs Outplacement Supports Your Employer Brand
How to be a responsible employer and stay in a positive relationship with an employee who needs to be dismissed due to many factors, almost certainly not the fault of the employee? The key word is outplacement. This is the process of transferring talent from one employer to another company,…
Read MoreTop Reasons To Use An Executive Search Firm
Hiring an executive search firm is probably the best way to ensure you have a competent pool of professionals working at your company. The firms can help hire top-notch talent by carefully shortlisting professionals for a job. A bad hire – that too on a crucial post – can be…
Read MoreConstructive And Compassionate Feedback That Employees Need And Want
Stats show that 8 out of 10 HR managers are worried about employee engagement and retention, but many are afraid of doing what it takes to keep employees engaged and loyal. Employees need feedback from time to time – it is not only a requirement from an administrative point of…
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