Emotional Intelligence for leaders of tomorrow

May 3, 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic has really moved the needle for emotional quotient or intelligence in a generation, we would have imagined ever. Emotional intelligence goes beyond the administrative nuts and bolts of being a great leader and emphasizes how your emotions affect others and how you can fine tune the knowledge…

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…So… What about …Agility…

April 26, 2021

In any workshop we hold the last couple of years, any coaching session we do, the word “agility” keeps popping up in the vocabulary. When we ask the question, ‘what does agility mean for your organisation’, we get a range of responses from blunt looks to answers of ‘we have…

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Green Recruiting

April 18, 2021

Green Recruiting – the sustainable design of personnel management The abandonment of plastic bags and the increase in electric cars show that sustainability has already arrived in various areas. Are you wondering what this has to do with recruiting? Actually quite a bit, as you will discover in the following…

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These are the characteristics you should look for in a recruitment agency

April 11, 2021

What’s so nice about making plans is that they can start with dreams. It is perfectly okay to slip behind the wheel of a sporty two-seater in the showroom of a car dealership, knowing full well that what you really need is a solid, practical family car. You’re allowed to…

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April 2, 2021

*Swedish expression for letting the cows out on the fields after a long winter inside. My inspiration for this article is from Henrik Mitelman, Columnist Dagens Industri and independent economist/consultant/speaker at key events on macro/financial trends. 2021 In 2021 we probably want to do all the things we couldn´t do…

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COVID-19 New Zealand a year on

March 27, 2021

Full Lockdown 12 months ago, today our Prime Minister announced to the Country that we were going into a seven-week Alert Level 4 (full Lockdown).  This was one of the earliest and fastest full lockdowns in the world and meant that our world had to change immediately.  It was a…

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Tips for working from home effectively

March 13, 2021

Easy to follow work from home tips to avoid burnout Working from home used to be such a joy before Covid-19 hit the world. It would allow employees sleep in, as commute was no longer an issue, they could wear their comfy clothes and do their chores whenever they found…

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Diversity Recruitment – How to diversify your candidate pool

February 24, 2021

Workforce diversity is strongly accelerating on a global scale and diversity will conceivably be the epitome of the complex knowledge society of the 21st century. The positive connotation of diversity can be based on a discernment of differences as enrichment and gain guided by the social justice premise that a…

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The final Candidate is counter-offered by his/her current employer

February 13, 2021

Only people who have not experienced the above situation would say that it doesn’t exist. Search and selection The Company, looking to build its operations in an overseas country, has created a new position of General Manager. The Company undertakes a full briefing with a specialized Consultant of the Executive…

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