Motivation for job change under pandemic circumstances

June 21, 2021

Working in pandemic circumstances has become our “new normality” hence HR departments have been forced to adapt their way of working and thinking accordingly. A logical question arises: what about candidates? How do they manage to adapt to change? Are they sufficiently motivated and ready to change job in this…

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How to optimize the hiring of a new employee in the company

June 14, 2021

Facilitating his/her adaptation to the new environment and avoiding premature failure It is a well-known fact that the first days and weeks in a new company can largely determine the degree of adaptation of that new employee, his/her satisfaction with the position and with the company, and may even condition…

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June 5, 2021

Reference checks could be worthless and even dangerous if superficial and inadequately performed but extremely valuable if done properly following good preparation! The use of reference checks is becoming more widespread.  It can be a worthwhile extra tool to use when making hiring decisions, particularly for critical appointments at a…

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Labor market in the Czech Republic

May 29, 2021

The labor market in the Czech Republic and other countries has changed due to the Covid-19 pandemic. As elsewhere, mistakes can be good if we learn from them! Labor market before Covid-19 pandemic The unemployment rate in the Czech Republic reached in a long-term 2%. The labor market was oversaturated…

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executive search

Executive search: (how) does COVID-19 influence the profile of C-levels?

May 21, 2021

Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Operational Officer… The Chief Levels or C-levels in companies have their work cut out for them. The pandemic has been a major impetus behind evolutions that had already been going on for some time. An impetus that inspired good change for some sectors,…

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What Hollywood Can and Cannot Teach you About Interviewing

May 17, 2021

The benefits of Behavioral Based Interviewing You may have seen the famous “Sell me this pen” scene in the recent Hollywood movie, Wolf of Wall Street where Leonardo DiCaprio hands a recruit a pen and urges him to sell it back to him.   Hiring managers frequently use this and similar…

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Past behaviour is a great predictor of future behaviour

May 7, 2021

Perfect prediction has long been the Holy Grail or magic ingredient which Search Consultants have always been hunting for. Many Occupational Psychologists make a good living out of deploying Personality & Critical Reasoning Assessments to help in this prediction challenge.  Indeed, there is no doubt that these measures do bring…

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Emotional Intelligence for leaders of tomorrow

May 3, 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic has really moved the needle for emotional quotient or intelligence in a generation, we would have imagined ever. Emotional intelligence goes beyond the administrative nuts and bolts of being a great leader and emphasizes how your emotions affect others and how you can fine tune the knowledge…

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…So… What about …Agility…

April 26, 2021

In any workshop we hold the last couple of years, any coaching session we do, the word “agility” keeps popping up in the vocabulary. When we ask the question, ‘what does agility mean for your organisation’, we get a range of responses from blunt looks to answers of ‘we have…

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