Got that Monday morning feeling?

September 6, 2021

It could be time to leave your job. David* reached over to switch off his buzzing alarm clock, and his stomach tightened, with the sinking realisation that it was Monday.  That feeling of a lack of excitement was getting to be an everyday part of waking up to go to…

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Remote Leadership

August 30, 2021

COVID-19 pandemic caused a profound change in all areas of life, not only in work life. To prevent the spread of disease, companies around the world are sending their employees to work from home. Although the pandemic in Europe seems to be in retreat, some businesses decided to switch to…

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August 23, 2021

What do the following jobs have in common? The CEO of Lotus Sports Cars A Scottish Island Whisky Distillery Manager The Director of Fundraising for a Cathedral A Chief Operating Officer for a Private Equity Bank At first glance of course, the answer is “nothing” but in reality, these are…

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After covid-19:
Will (partial) work from home remain?

August 16, 2021

In the beginning of 2020, the government of The Netherlands suggested work from home whenever possible and that was the case for about 50% of people. Working remotely had a positive effect on the number of infections and therefore (serious) illnesses. There were fewer physical contacts when traveling to and…

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August 9, 2021

A third of the workers worldwide were laid off or asked to accept reduced working time as consequence of the COVID pandemic impact on business, with, of course, a lot of slow – downs and bankruptcies. These troubled times have reinforced a general feeling one could observe before, of professional…

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Customer Success : Rethink your Business for Growth

August 2, 2021

It’s a new  era of  Customer Service.  Since the Digital adoption has taken a quantum leap at driving innovations, the business landscapes are changing faster than before. It’s a change and learning mechanism to  utilize resources to achieve goals and drive innovation by leveraging on technology to the fullest and…

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How do Leaders Develop?

July 26, 2021

The number of books published on Leadership each year in Amazon is over 2000. It is no coincidence that once again we are in search of the Leader…. The Leader is currently in a dilemma, in crisis, and eventually in … confusion. To make the equation even more complicated, apart…

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From a global player to a small boutique company

July 19, 2021

My way from a global player to a small boutique company in Switzerland and my resumé who is best to work for. Nearly 26 years I was allowed to travel around the world, felt emotionally connected to many smart people in many countries and regions. I have worked in 10…

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The New Normal and the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals

July 12, 2021

As COVID 19 vaccination rates continue to increase, the world moves towards some level of normality following the seismic upheavals of 2020 and the global pandemic. Here, in Australia, our impact was limited but our economic recovery and rebound has been remarkable given where we were 12 months ago. As…

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