CFR Global Executive Search
Global Conference
Bern 2022

September 27, 2022

Well, another conference has come to close and we’re all back at work, nose to the grindstone. It was good and it was also busy, some things are a bit of a blur when reflecting on the experience, not least due to the early starts, “the bus leaves at 7.35”,…

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Why do your best employees leave?

September 5, 2022

Why do your best employees leave? During many years working in HR industry, searching, interviewing and selecting excellent candidates, I concluded that many candidates who won the selecting process have one thing in common, they are not just happy getting a new job but they are happy quitting the previous…

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Employee well-being-
make the office a better place!

August 29, 2022

In times when stress-related symptoms such as insomnia and concentration disorders are affecting more and more people, HR leaders need to prioritize and implement employee well-being and mental health prevention programs. For the corporate culture of many companies, the employees well-being is playing an increasingly important role. Employee wellbeing is…

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August 22, 2022

It is our profession to support companies in searching and selecting executives and specialists. Usually, as headhunter we are contracted when the company’s own recruiting activities have remained unsuccessful recruiting processes are particularly time-consuming and complicated resources are not sufficiently available within the company or recruitment activities shall remain secret.…

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Generation Z as a game changer
on the labour market?!

August 15, 2022

Gen Z is in the starting blocks and is the next generation to conquer the labour market. This means that companies now employ staff from up to four different generations. What is important to Gen Z in the world of work? The exact demarcation of the different generations has not…

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Could Ukraine refugees be the solution
for overheated labor markets?

August 1, 2022

An estimated 300,000 Ukrainians have traveled to the Czech Republic to escape the war in Ukraine since late February. The Czech Republic is in the TOP 3 countries welcoming most of the Ukraine refugees. And while they have found safety here, their job prospects can seem uncertain. Even though almost…

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Changing Jobs:
How to Make the Right Choice

July 25, 2022

Picture this: you have been working for a company for a while when one day, an executive search firm approaches you with an attractive opportunity in another organization. At first, you are flattered. Then suddenly, you find yourself facing a dilemma: am I happy enough where I am to turn…

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July 18, 2022

If we open any newspaper there is a real chance that an issue about transgressive behavior or integrity violation will be described. We are all undoubtedly familiar with the deluge of comments when ‘The Voice’ was published. Is this an expression of the here and now under the influence of…

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Lessons to be learned

July 11, 2022

We have all read and I am sure that a lot of us have already experienced, the absolute chaos that major European airports face during the last few months. Big delays, long queues, flight cancellations, have created an explosive mix with tensions rising high, verbal abuses and, occasionally, violent behaviors.…

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