Changes in the Job description & Profile when the search process has already started

It is true that one of the fundamental points that must be reviewed in detail and agreed by the parties (Client and Consultant) is, without a doubt, the Job Description of the position and the desired profile of the person to be hired for a certain executive position and / or directive.

Once the roles, responsibilities, KPI’s and the characteristics of experience, academic preparation, key competences have been agreed, the Executive Search firm’s Consultant designs the search strategy in common agreement with the Client and launches into the market to search to the right prospects.

Changes in the Job description

However, it may happen that the Consultant presents a list of candidates outlined for an interview with the Client, then the interviews are carried out, and Client meets with Consultant and tells him/her that an adjustment is necessary in the Job Description of the position and in the requested profile.

There is no major problem, if it is about small adjustments that do not imply a substantial turn in the search, because it is very likely that within the list of prospects there are some prospects that, given the requested changes, can be integrated into the process. Good news!

An example follows: The Client needs to fill the position of a Country Manager for a foreign company. After carrying out the market mapping, the Consultant finds a list of 80+ prospects, among which six outlined candidates stand out who are presented to the attention of the Client, who decides to invite everyone to a role of individual interviews and to present a case on panel. After a long day, the interviews conclude, a discussion and conclusions meeting is held, where it is determined to continue with a highly profiled candidate, whose report will be presented to the CEO, to coordinate the final interview.

Despite this being the decision communicated to the Consultant, the managers involved in the interview process decide at the last minute to suspend the process and better promote an internal manager of the company who will occupy the position of Country Manager. The pre-selected candidate has been excluded from the process. The Consultant renegotiates with the Client, who now needs a Regional Director with a different profile and who will report to the newly appointed Country Manager.

The Consultant, under this new perspective, reviews within the list of 80+ prospects in order to detect candidates that had not been considered at first, it is possible that they select potential candidates who largely meet the needs and characteristics of the new position. If so, the process is rescued and the best candidate is chosen to fill the position of Regional Director.

Significant changes in Job Description

However, it is possible that these are important changes both in the job description & candidate´s profile and, as a consequence, it is necessary to close the initial process, and start a new one where the executive search should be focused on attracting prospects that are profiled to meet the new required characteristics.


Article written by Jorge Segovia, CFR Global Executive Search Mexico


Photo source: Unsplash


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